Orphan Shade signs agreement to build foster home #1 with M’Bandakucha Building Construction.
i was not able to attend the event. However, I am absolutely thrilled that the deal that began in January 2020 was finally closed.
The builder Managing Director, Mr. Idi, was not able to attend. His second in command, Mr. Christopher, represented M’Bandakucha at the contract signing. The picture displays Pastor Prince Kampomoin (in his very red shirt) signing the agreement with Mr. Christopher, members of the Orphan Shade MalawI (OSM) board of trustees and members of Prince’s church.
Click on the link to read the story of Prince’s miraculous introduction in 2020 to Mr. Idi in Miracles do happen.
We are very thankful for Mr. Idi. He has told us that he wants to partner with us to build all of the Orphan Shade homes In the country. This is a tremendous blessing to us. It will allow us to scale by building the same house over and over in different villages. This will enable us to reduce the cost per house over time as we purchase material in bulk quantities. This will also help us reduce maintenance costs across a fleet of foster homes.
Mr. Idi and his team have improved the design of the structure to endure the harsh weather in Malawi. The combination of the torrential rain and flooding in the rainy season and the heat of summer take a serious toll on a home. The have introduced structural improvements without adding cost to the budget.
Click on the link to read the story of the 2019 home design in Reverse Engineering in Africa.
Note: Be on the alert for a future post and associated photos of the groundbreaking ceremony in the Mpangeti village.