Christmas in Blantyre

All the girls and parents were transported from their rural villages to the city of Blantyre to celebrate Christmas and New Years. This is a tradition that began 3 years ago with the foster family in Pangeti.
The two week break allows the parents to come home and spend time with their own families. The girls get the opportunity to experience life in the city, spend time with church members families, and learn about national history and culture that they would never see in their village.
Doctor's Visit
Seven girls were suffering from Ringworm. Definition: a contagious fungal infection that causes an itchy, red, scaly rash on the skin or head. They were taken to a clinic for diagnosis and treatment. The girls were very cautious and eyes were wide open.
A highlight for the girls was spending time with local church families. The girls were broken into small groups of 3 or 4. Each group of girls were then invited to the homes of church members to celebrate Christmas. They got to participate and enjoy how extended families celebrate. Several girls were overheard saying that they have yet another family that cares for them.
Our partner church set aside time for ministry to the girls. Members of our partner’s HQ church prayed for mental and physical healing, deliverance, and prophesied over the girls. God is so good.
Professional Women
A highlight of the time in Blantyre was the introduction of multiple professional women to the audience of girls. The intent was to create awareness and hopefully motivate each child towards a dream. Present was a nurse, policewomen, lawyer, banker, and a vvvvvv. Each professional told the story of their history, education, and work history to the whole group of girls.
Most of the professionals originated from rural villages in Malawi. They were successful in educational opportunities starting with the local primary school. This was a big eye opener for the girls. Let hope arise.
The girls were highly engaged during the event. They asked many questions. They were very interested in how hand cuffs work. Oh dear....
Images of the Christmas break are below: